A New Day for Employee Mental Health Solutions

Fire Fighters
Remote Teams

A One Stop Shop for Proactive Employee Mental Wellness Solutions


Building skills and resiliency before issues arise.

• Anonymous Wellness Screener
• Organization Wellness Reporting
• Social Connection Platform
• Digital Peer Support Access

Proactive Support

Identifying when someone is struggling and needs an extra boost.

• Live Member Care Support
• Clinical Backup to Your Peer Support Team
• Organization Wellness Consulting


When things get serious, so do we. Every life matters.

• Advanced Nationwide Clinical Access
• Trauma trained and First Responder Competent
• Resolve Trauma Triggers in an average of 3 to 4 sessions

MyOmnia is My Wholeness

We help people measure and improve their whole wellbeing.

Want to learn more?

Schedule Consultation

Wellness Starts with Attention

Social media isn't just a distraction, it's a bad habit that keeps our focus on the success of others. We help members shift their focus back on their own wellness.

We help people focus on topics that will help them unlock their growth, potential, and productivity.

Wellness Screener

We provide personalized insights of someone’s wellness using our clinically validated assessment.

Organizational Wellness

We provide business leaders with actionable intelligence, helping them spot risks and liabilities before they materialize, and we work together to prevent them.
*100% confidential

Initiative Feed

Empower your People Teams with Wellness Responsive Initiatives

Peer Support

Your team holds the power of making the biggest difference in the mental health and culture of your organization. Empower them with our clinically supported Peer Support development program.

Your Clinical Supervisor

Esther Howard

phone number
(555) 555-1234
in-person location
748 W Antelope Dr, Layton, UT 84041, United States
Call Supervisor
Schedule Consultation

Human Based Care

Our live member care specialists provide emotional support, connection, and a safe place to discuss one's needs.

member care specialist

Bobbi McGraw

Bobbi has more than 25 years of experience working with youth and victims of crime. She has degrees in Special Education, English, and Psychology.

Sabrina Brown

Next Session
Friday 10th, Nov at 2:45 PM

Annee Ackerman

Brain Spotting
Salt Lake City


I have 10 years working with first responders who have faced years of exposure to high stress environments. I focus on getting you well, quickly so that you can get back to life.
Trauma based modalities are proving to be the most effective form of treatment of PTSD symptoms.
View Availability →

Highly Skilled Therapist Network

We vet and qualify our network of providers so they can provide the best standard of care.

Needs based matching

Every therapist has their expertise, ours is to make sure each member gets paired with a therapist best suited for their needs.
Are you a Clinician? Join Our Community